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Flowerfaries - Hanging Snowflake Princess

S$10.90 S$18.90

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Do you know that each snowflake falls, it encounters water vapour in the atmosphere. This has a big effect on its shape. If humidity is low, there isn't as much water vapour in the atmosphere so the snowflakes form something called 'plates', the flat hexagonal shapes you see if you look at them under a microscope.

This Waldorf inspired handmade Flowerfaries doll is made from sustainable wool felts and cloth. It is ethically made by stay-at-home mothers/women in Romania and Czech  Republic for supporting their families. 
Do you know that buying this handmade dolls, you are actually supporting a Waldrof school and education for disadvantaged in rural Transylvania. 

Note this doll is for decorative use only - it is not a toy, however you can play with it in moderate way. It is not suitable for children under 3.